Sunday, September 7, 2014


So the reason I have been so neglectful of my blog posts is a wonderful little problem called Vertigo. It's been going on since December of last year and has been so all encompassing of my life that I've had little thought other than battling thru my days.

My vertigo can be anything from a mild dizziness to the room in constant spinning motion for days on end.

At first, I was directed to a neurologist, and after the MRI and CT turned up normal, he decided (mind you, without finishing listening to medical history and cutting me off) that it had to be related to my migraines, which I've had most of my life. After months of careful monitoring and I've decided that the diagnosis is tenuous at best. There seems to be no correlations between actual headaches and the dizziness. I think it's much more likely that it's a new fun side of the Fibro.

I've been to the Fibro doctor, whom I adore, and we trying a new round of meds, so far it's helping.

I'm wondering if any other Fibro Fighters have any similar experiences.

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